Terms & Conditions(Market Prism Consulting)

Welcome to Market Prism Consulting Terms and Conditions. This document is an agreement between the client & we (also known as “we”, “us” or “our”). Our customer (referred to as “you” or “your”). If you use our services agree with these terms. We always provide quality market research and analysis services to help you make sound business decisions. These terms our relationship and protect both parties’ interests. Carefully read this document so you understand your rights & responsibilities. In case of any clarifications contact our customer support team.

Definitions for Agreement Clarity

To ensure a clear understanding, we define key terms in this agreement: Services require the market research and analysis offered by Market Prism Consulting. Deliverables imply the reports, data, and insights we create for your organization. “Confidential Information” generally refers to non-public information exchanged between us. “Intellectual Property” includes all patents copyright trademarks trade secrets etc. The term ‘Agreement’ denotes these Terms & Conditions and other attached documents. The Effective Date is when you start using our services or sign a contract. Subscription means uninterrupted access to our services over some time. Fee refers to how much you pay for what we have done. The force suggests unforeseeable events beyond our control. Data Protection Laws are about privacy regulations that apply.

Duration of Our Agreement

The agreement starts on the Effective Date and ends when either party terminates it. Once payment has been completed, the deal for one-time projects will be completed after submitting the final results. Subscriptions renew automatically at the end of each term unless you terminate them. We offer different agreement durations, including monthly, quarterly, or yearly. You can cancel a subscription by providing written notice at least 30 days before its renewal date. We may change these terms upon giving notice 30 days before the changes. Your continued use of our services after modifications indicates acceptance of the new terms.

Our Services Included in the Agreement

  • Market Prism Consulting offers a full range of market research and analysis services such as:
  • Customized surveys to meet your needs
  • Reports on industries and market projections
  • Analysis and comparison with competitors
  • Surveying consumers and moderating focus groups
  • Visualizing information: findings presentation
  • Consultation and support from analysts at any time
  • Access to proprietary databases and research tools,
  • Regular updates on markets, industry trends reports,
  • Workshops with training sessions about analyzing markets All these are aimed at providing accurate, timely, high-quality information for decision-making.

Specify Customer Responsibilities

As a customer, you must:

  1. Provide accurate and complete information for your account and projects
  2. Pay all fees on time according to the agreed payment terms
  3. Use our services and their outcomes only for internal business purposes
  4. Guard your account access details so that unauthorized persons do not access it
  5. Observe all applicable laws and regulations while using our services
  6. Respect our intellectual property rights as well as those of other clients
  7. Respond promptly to queries and requests for approval.
  8. Inform us when there are issues or concerns regarding our services.
  9. Keep any sensitive information that we give you confidential.
  10. Ensure that you obtain the necessary authorizations before giving us third-party data.

Legal Considerations For Agreement Validity

This agreement is the binding contract between Market Prism Consulting and you. You can enter this agreement for yourself or your organization by utilizing our offerings. If any part of this agreement should be held invalid, such portion will remain valid and enforceable in others. [Your Company’s Jurisdiction] law governs this agreement. This agreement supersedes all prior agreements between us. Our rights and obligations may be transferred to another entity whereas yours may not without our written consent.

Intellectual Property Protection Under the Agreement

All intellectual properties created by Market Prism Consulting such as reports, analysis methodologies, software, etc. You get a non-exclusive non-transferable license allowing the internal use of deliverables in your business. Without our written permission, we do not permit the reproduction, distribution, or creation of derivative works based on our intellectual property. If you provide suggestions or feedback about our services they become ours to keep. However, the data or materials you furnish still belong to you.

Never, you allow us to make use of them to offer our services. We follow the law concerning third-party intellectual property rights, as should you. If you suspect any copyright infringement about our services please don’t hesitate to inform us.

Payment Terms and Fee Structure Explained

The fees for our offering are described in your order form or subscription agreement. One-time projects require a 50% deposit before commencement. Balance is payable upon delivery of final results. Subscription fees are prepaid monthly, quarterly, or annually. All invoices must be paid within 30 days from the date of issuance. Delayed payments can attract an interest rate charge of 1.5% per month. We accept credit cards, bank transfers, or other means indicated in your agreement. Fees once paid will only be refunded if stated otherwise.

Regarding subscription services, we may change prices with a notice period of thirty days. Should there be any complaints about charges? They must be communicated to us via writing within 14 business days after an invoice has been issued.

Customer Protection Through Warranty

We guarantee our services will be rendered professionally and by industry standards if you are unhappy with our service. You must tell us within 30 days of delivery. We will redo the service at no additional fee or return your money for unsatisfactory work. This exclusive warranty replaces other warranties if any at all that may be implied or indicated. We do not warrant that our services will be free from errors or interruptions. We mean that they are fit for any particular purpose you may have. You need to understand that market conditions can change rapidly and our analyses rely on information available during research.

Boundaries of Liability Coverage

Our total liability under this agreement arising out of claims shall not exceed the amount paid by you for such services which gave rise to the claim. We are not responsible for indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages including loss of profits or business interruption. We shall not be liable for any failure or delay in providing access to our Services resulting from circumstances beyond our control such as natural disasters, power failures, or government actions. You agree to us against any claims arising from your use of our Services or breach of this Agreement. These limitations on liability apply to the maximum extent permitted by law and survive the termination of this agreement.

Effective Data Protection

We value security and confidentiality regarding your personal and commercial data. We collect, use, and store your information Privacy Policy and applicable data protection laws. We provide you with these services- to process your data- you consent to us to do so otherwise known as processing needed for the performance of a contract). To protect against unauthorized access to your data loss we have implemented adequate technical measures, organizational ones as well as physical controls (including but not limited) to necessary separation custody between different levels of permission upon customers’ obtained third party consent right. We may combine and anonymize client data across categories to provide industry benchmarks or trends. You can access, rectify, or delete your data by contacting us.

Maintain Confidentiality Throughout the Agreement

Both parties agree to keep confidential any nonpublic information received from each other during this Agreement. This includes business plans, financial data, customer lists, and proprietary research methodologies. Confidential information will not be disclosed without your consent except as required by law or as necessary to provide our services. Our pricing and business practices are also considered confidential information that you should not disclose under any circumstances. These confidentiality obligations will last for three years after the termination of this Agreement. If a party is legally required to disclose, it shall give prompt written notice to the other party and secure a protective order before proceeding with such disclosure. Each party shall return or destroy all Confidential Information belonging to the other upon termination of this Agreement.

Termination Rights and Procedures

Either party may terminate this agreement at any time upon 30 days notice in writing. If you violate any important contract conditions, including not paying the fees, we can terminate it immediately. You can terminate if you send us a written notice within one month about our substantial violation that still needs to be corrected. You are responsible for all outstanding fees up to the termination date once the agreement is terminated. We do not refund prepaid fees when subscriptions are terminated before the end of their current term unless they result from our material breach of the defined terms. Where there is fraudulent activity or violation of our terms as per our suspicion, we reserve the right to discontinue or suspend your access.

What Happens After Termination

After termination of this agreement:

  • You will stop using our services and return or destroy all confidential information.
  • We may give you a copy of your data in a standard format if you request it.
  • Any unpaid fees become immediately due and payable.
  • Sections regarding intellectual property rights, confidentiality obligations, limitations on liability, and payment obligations contained herein continue after expiry.
  • Your data may be retained by us as required by law or for legitimate business purposes for an appropriate period.
  • Deliverables provided during the duration of the Agreement may continue being used for internal business purposes only.
  • All licenses granted under this agreement shall cease unless clearly stated otherwise.
  • By our data retention policy, we will remove your account together with your personal information.

General Terms Applicable to the Entire Agreement

These terms represent Market Prism Consulting complete contract with you. They replace any previous agreements or understandings; any change in these terms must be written down and signed by both parties concerned; failure on our part to enforce any right or provision does not result in waiver; if one provision is found unenforceable then other provisions remain unaffected; neither your rights nor duties can be transferred without our written consent; we may transfer such responsibilities or rights to any of our affiliates or successors. All notices under this agreement must be in writing and should reach you at the addresses. This agreement does not make us partners, agents, or employers of each other. We are considered independent contractors.